110: Jeffery Jay Lowder Posted April 3, 2024November 28, 2021 in Categories Meme If the fundamentalists are right, then all the cool people are in Hell! —Jeffery Jay Lowder Hmmm… where to go… where to go?
109: Shakespeare Posted November 15, 2024November 21, 2021 in Categories Meme I never see thy face but I think upon hell-fire. —Shakespeare (Henry IV) The question is, strive to do this, or to avoid it?
108: Buddhist proverb Posted April 3, 2024November 14, 2021 in Categories Meme To everyone is given the key to heaven; the same key opens the gates of hell. —Buddhist proverb Do you want Door #1, or Door #2? The real key is, the choice is yours. Now, not later.